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SSL L200


L200 local analogue I/O configuration; 12 mic/line inputs in (two of which are in parallel with the Talkback inputs), 2 front panel Talkback mic/line XLR inputs, 12 line outputs, 4 Headphone/Monitor outputs. AES/EBU digital I/O configuration: 4 pairs of inputs and 4 pairs of outputs. AES/EBU I/O has fully variable sample rate conversion.

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L200 processing power allocation and I/O architecture is extremely flexible. The console has up to 600 inputs and 600 outputs. It has 144 mix paths at 96kHz. These paths can be assigned as Channels, Stem Groups, Auxes and Masters to suit demands and configured as mono, stereo, LCR, 4.0 or 5.1. A mono Channel consumes one path, a stereo two, an LCR three a 4.0 path four and a 5.1 six. All 144 of the mix paths are full processing paths. Insert Effects have their own dedicated processing which is also dynamically allocated.

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+387 51 492 860
+387 51 492 861
Srbački put 6,
78250 Laktaši,
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